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Metacognition: Learning how you learn best. Reflect on what works and doesn't work for you. Practice what works.

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What is Universal Design for Learning?

Add variety with different formats: articles, books, videos, films, and multimedia

Universal Design for Learning: Purdue_GEER

Continuous Improvement

Websites are like libraries, they are living organisms that change to meet the needs of the users.  They are never finished or complete, but always striving.  The "ideal" is a moving target!  

DISCUSS your [project] so you can discuss your [project]

D  Define - what you want your students to take away from your lesson.

I  Investigate -  curriculum resources including open educational resources and library materials.

S  Set goals - start with the end in mind.

C  Chunk - break the topic down into chunks.

U  UDL- use different ways to see, hear, and experience or practice concept

S  Scaffold - structure the lesson whether it is an outline, agenda, readings, or videos into manageable parts that build onto each other.

S  Student reflection – What use is the lesson?  (This is where the learning happens.)

Universal Design for Learning: UWSP Center for Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Key Principles of UDL (

 graphical list of UDL principles

Wisconsin Dept. of Public Instruction Links

FIGURE: UDL ON CAMPUS · Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education

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