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*LIST of Library Information

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About Us - Advantages - Benefits - Mission & Values

We have more of what you are looking for:

1. FREE ACCESS: Get Around the "Paywall" by Using the Library. Don't buy articles off the internet. We’ve already paid for FVTC access to many of the articles. We can also get articles from other libraries for free, through the interlibrary loan process.

2. CURATED: Get Reliable Information at the Library. Library resources have been through editors and fact-checkers who focus on bringing you reliable information. Library databases provide you with tools for finding, filtering, and citing information.

3. FRIENDLY: Come to the Library for Personal Assistance. Friendly, highly-trained librarians are standing by, waiting to help you find the information you’re looking for. We can help you when yo get stuck.

4. EXTENSIVE: Providing More of What You Are Looking For. Not everything you need to know can be found online. There are lots of books, articles, videos, music, etc. that you won’t find using a standard search engine like Google or Yahoo. The Library provides access to the internet - plus a lot more.

5. COMFORTABLE: The Place to Go to Continue Learning. Sometimes you just need a quiet place to get away and focus on your work. Maybe you need to be alone, or maybe you need a common place to meet with a study group. Reserve a room now!

Computers, printers, office supplies; places & spaces.

Comfortable place to study and work: We have casual chairs and power outlets so you can charge your devices. Tables and office supplies next to the photocopier makes it easier to do those last-minute final touches to your project.  Color printer is in the Foyer; just ask for directions.

Friendly library staff: We can help you figure out what to do next, or find someone or some way to help you get back on track.

Group rooms you can reserve for those times when you need a place to be noisier or quieter than the open areas of the Student Success Center.  Rooms are not sound proof, but do provide some noise abatement. You can reserve 2 hours per day per email.

Technology at your fingertips: We have computer, internet, wifi, printing, copying, and scanning resources.

Tools to improve and maintain your expertise: Technology does not wait for you; you have to chase it. Use the Library services and resources to keep  learning, building, and using your knowledge and skills.

Tutorials and Guides:  Building up a knowledge or skill base means starting with a strong background foundation, then adding information and concepts in a logical and accurate manner.  Our Topic and Program Guides have relevant resource lists and tips to help you.

FVTC Librarians choose equitable, accessible, and useful resources based on knowledge, experience and research.

Expertise: If we don't know how to find or do something, we can find someone who knows.  Our Librarians have a variety of skills and areas of expertise.

Convenience: You can come to the Library for drop-in assistance; contact us by email or by phone. Library staff can meet with faculty, staff, or students by appointment. In-class instruction is available in addition to the Topic and Program guides available online.

Resources: You can use our databases to pre-select peer-reviewed scholarly resources.  This raises the level of authority and reliability of your results. Otherwise, you can use our Evaluation and Internet Searching guides to improve your understanding of what kind of information is worth your time.

Compliance:  We use standards, frameworks and guides to improve the accessibility and usability of our physical and virtual resources.  Example standards and guides include: 508ADA,  ALA , UDL,  WAI and WCAG 2.1.

Expertise: We encourage people to use multiple sources of information and to look for objective content to avoid the problems of our implicit biasesinherent biases and weaknesses for logical fallacies.  We curate materials based on program needs and professional communications.

Flexibility: Fast-paced changes in the information ecosystem demand  that library staff are flexible about meeting the information needs of our users.  Whether it is migrating from one format to another or changing databases, collection goals, or methods of teaching, we are willing to change, innovate and collaborate for mutual success.


  • Anytime: Video tutorials
  • By appointment: In-class, in-person, virtual through Blackboard Collaborate 
  • Walk-in assistance anytime during posted staff hours.


  • Providing directions
    • Where is room...? (map)
    • Where is the testing center?
  • Answering general questions about the library and the college.
    • How can I find books about...?
    • How do I contact...?
  • Locating articles, books, videos, etc.
    • Where should I go to start searching for articles?
    • I’m having trouble finding information for the citation. Can you help me?
  • Providing troubleshooting support 
    • Assistance with general technology questions
    • I am getting too many/too few results on this search.  What do I do?
    • How do I access article searching from off campus? 


We are here to help you!

General reference questions and assistance can be provided  by our front desk staff.

In-depth reference inquiries may be directed to one of our librarians for further assistance.

Interlibrary loan form for items you cannot get from our collection.

The Library is in heart of Student Success Center on Appleton FVTC Main Campus

Come to the Library for comfy chairs and power outlets to charge your devices. We have computer, internet, wifi, printing, copying, and scanning resources. Tables and office supplies next to the photocopier/scanner make it easier to do those last-minute final touches to your project.


Library Services supports the mission of Fox Valley Technical College by providing information resources and services for the purpose of supporting student success and lifelong learning. We embrace continuous improvement to provide resources and services that are current, relevant, reliable, accessible, authoritative, and that provide a balanced point-of-view.


In addition to the Values stated by FVTC, we value curiosity, evidence-based decision making, and the ethical and logical use of old and new ideas. We support Affordable Learning practices such as providing Open Educational Resources (OER) to help lower the cost barrier for basic education courses.

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DISCLAIMER: Any commercial mentions on our website are for instructional purposes only. Our guides are not a substitute for professional legal or medical advice.

Fox Valley Technical College • Library Services • 1825 N. Bluemound Drive • Room G113
Appleton, WI 54912-2277 • United States • (920) 735-5653
© 2024 • Fox Valley Technical College • All Rights Reserved.

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