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*LIST of Library Information: Borrowing ( a.k.a. loaning or renting)

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Ways to borrow items

There are four ways for FVTC students, staff, & faculty to borrow items. 

  1. Check our catalog to see if we have a copy to loan to you.
  2. If we do not have it, ask us to borrow it for you through interlibrary loan. Item will be sent us (FVTC Library) for you to pick up and you also would return it to FVTC Library.
  3. Check the catalog of your local public library to see if they have a copy to loan to you. 
  4. Ask your local public library to borrow it for you on interlibrary loan. Item will be sent to your local library for you to pick up and you also would return it to your local public library. 

There are three ways for local guests to borrow items. 

  1. Check our catalog to see if we have a copy to loan to you.
  2. Check the catalog of your local public library to see if they have a copy to loan to you.
  3. Ask your local public library to borrow it for you on interlibrary loan. Item will be sent to your local library for you to pick up and you also would return it to your local public library. 

Borrowing Items (also known as loaning or renting)

Use your photo ID to check out items.
The borrower is responsible for the return and care of borrowed materials. Identification cards obtained through the student Activity Center may serve as library cards.

  • DVD checkout recommendation to students: 3 items per user.
  • Books, Audiobooks on CD, and TV-series DVDs are checked out for a 4-week period.
  • Movie DVDs, Magazines, and Newspapers have a one-week checkout period.
  • Items in locked Reserve are mostly in-library-use-only.

 Free borrowing privileges for FVTC associates & local public.  We will loan items to you for a limited period of time.
Cost is only a factor if you do not return the item.  We do not do rentals. To rent a book, contact the campus bookstore:

Catalog used to locate a physical book in the physical library.

A: We use a call number, like an address, to find where the book "lives". Our books, audiovisuals, and other items in the reference section and in the library stacks, are shelved according to the Library of Congress Classification system. 

Can't Find it? You can borrow it from another library

Q: How do I renew an item?

A: Materials may be renewed unless there is a hold on it (another patron has requested the use of the item).
IF AN ITEM IS RECALLED: All checked-out materials may be recalled by the library manager. Recalled materials should be returned within 48 hours of notification.

Contact or call 920-735-5653 to RENEW 

Q: I lost/damaged an item. What should I do?

A: Borrowers are responsible for the return or replacement of materials. 

Borrowers who report lost items will be charged a fee based on the replacement or paid cost of the lost item. Library Services will refund this paid charge if the items are found and returned in good condition.

Noticeable damage should be documented with library staff BEFORE checking out materials. 

Q: Will I be charged for overdue items?

We expect you to return your borrowed items in a timely manner. 

We do not charge overdues, but we will email and call frequently to remind you that other people also want to use the item.

If the item is lost or damaged, we ask that you replace it with a used copy in very good condition (no highlighter, marks, tears, stains, mold, etc.)

Request Items from FVTC Library (Pull List or Hold List) - Request an item online or by email.

Items that are in the FVTC General Collection have a button in the catalog that allows you to [] Request it].  If the item is available, a pull list is generated and staff will pull the book and put it in the Hold Basket at the front desk of the Library. 

If an item is checked out, (listed as Not Available) the [] Request it] option will put you on a "Hold List".  When it is your turn to get the item, we will contact you.  You will then have one week to collect the item before it becomes available to someone else.

Q: How do I request an item purchase?

A: Our collection development is now primarily through Faculty-Driven Acquisitions: We are only buying paper books requested by faculty - as resources for their classes. Suggestions for purchases may be submitted to (Please provide as much information as possible - Author, Title, Publisher, Edition, Date, ISBN, Format and Cost.)

Q: How do I return items to the FVTC Library?

A: Library materials may be placed in the return drop box in the FVTC Appleton Library. You may also hand your item to the staff at the Library.

Distance Learners are responsible for returning library materials to FVTC Appleton Library or Outreach Sites.

Postal returns are sent to:
Fox Valley Technical College Library
Room G113
1825 North Bluemound Drive
Appleton, WI 54912-2277

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Fox Valley Technical College • Library Services • 1825 N. Bluemound Drive • Room G113
Appleton, WI 54912-2277 • United States • (920) 735-5653
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