What does OER stand for?
Open Educational resources. Refers to the open nature, ie, you can do a lot more than with copyright - all- rights-reserved educational materials.
Many educators are now adding a Creative Commons License to their original works. Thus, allowing some degree of Retaining, reusing, revising, remixing and redistribution (5Rs). It "Opens" copyright restrictions.
Are the books in this area older versions of text books?
Since some states have invested in education, they have funded the creation of OER textbooks, which the rest of us depend on for providing Free Textbooks. The goal is to use open resources, get comfortable, then start creating and sharing your own open works.
All together - this will Save Students $1 Billion
Are the books there forever or just a set period of time?
The textbooks are in repositories so that they remain available. When an updated version is available, a link from old material is provided to updated material. It is essential to properly attribute and cite which work you are using for your class, so students use and cite the proper edition.
How do others use this?
Attributions: “CC Smoothie” by Nate Angell. CC BY. Derivative of “Strawberry Smoothie On Glass Jar” by Element5 (https://www.pexels.com/photo/strawberry-smoothie-on-glass-jar-775032/) in the public domain, and various Creative Commons license buttons by Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/about/downloads) used under CC BY.
Attributions: “CC TV Dinner” by Nate Angell. CC BY. Derivative of “tv dinner 1″ by adrigu (https://flic.kr/p/6AMLDF) used under CC BY, and various Creative Commons license buttons by Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/about/downloads) used under CC BY.
Copying a CC licensed work and sharing it: Must always provide attribution.
NonCommercial (NC) restriction: Do not use work for commercial purposes.
No-Derivitive (ND) restriction: Do not change work before sharing. No (adaptations or derivatives) allowed. You may shift format from html to pdf or other format for usability. If the underlying work is licensed under a NoDerivatives license, you can make and use changes privately but you cannot share your adaptation with others
Share Alike (SA): Must share copies or adaptations/derivatives using the same licence as original. This makes it harder to re-use works, because of incompatible licence restrictions. If the underlying work is licensed under a ShareAlike license, then ShareAlike applies to your adaptation and you must license it under the same or a compatible license.
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