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News Literacy: News Views & Fact Checking Resources: Filters

THINKING: Divergent > ADD FILTERS > Convergent

There is a LOT of information out there.  Sometimes we don't want to bother with the nuances, the shadows, the different perspectives. So, we add filters.
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As we add filters to simplify the content - we get rid of the variation, the depth, the extra information that is hard to grasp.  
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Sometimes the filtering is fine  It makes it easier to see similarities and patterns. However, sometimes we make assumptions, like white is snow.  Sometimes we filter too much.

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Quick  What is 2 + 8?

Convergent Thinking

If you answered 10, that is a System 1 - Jump to conclusion, type of thinking.

System 2 type of thinking would have you asking for the context.

Divergent Thinking

It takes energy to do critical thinking, but looking for alternative answers can be fun.

1 cup     8 fl. oz.   >  250 ml milk = 2.5 x 103 g =         257.5 g

1T cocoa = 7.38 g   >   2 T cocoa - 2.0 x 7.38 g =   + 14.76 g

                                                                                   272.26 g chocolate milk (hot cocoa)  *Weight of mass would vary slightly depending on where you are located.                                           

* You would weigh very slightly more at sea level than at the top of a mountain. See: 
See also :

You would weigh slightly more at the North or South Pole than at the equator.
See also:


….understand the context before jumping to conclusions.

What is System 1 and System 2 Thinking?

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