I always love going to Michael’s seminars. I learn a lot and I re-learn things I forgot. If you missed this year, I hope you have the pleasure of learning from him next year. Bring your friends; bring your students. It is worth it. Here is what I took away from Thursday’s seminars:
Leadership Types & Styles
Although an autocratic leadership style may crank up the productivity, morale often suffers. We need to temper our desire to be product driven perfectionists with being kind and concerned about the people we work with. If you can balance your focus on task with a focus on people, you will increase both production and morale. That is the happy medium.
The test for inclination in leadership style was only a tool for insight, not a pass-fail. If you are strong in one area, then you can become strong in the other area too. Leadership can be learned.
The Power of One
Everyone has the power to bring out the best or the worst in others.
How? By making other people feel good or bad.
How? Listening fully makes people feel interesting, powerful, respected, helped, encouraged, loved, cared for, or even just noticed.
What else? Make kind and sincere comments. Be friendly. Smile
Want to be a person WE LOVE?
W-elcome people with your behavior
E-xpress your best and kindest thoughts.
L-isten to learn. Love other people’s ideas as much as you love your own. Put your ego aside, and listen before you jump to conclusions and comebacks.
O-bject respectfully. Only respond after you have had a chance to think about what your goal is.
V-alue - not what is said – but the right to say it. Protecting the rights of others to have their ideas and opinions - also protects your own rights.
E-xpress yourself, without creating fear in others. That is just good manners
Manners for Leaders
Manners are a way of being with others in a gracious way.
Manners are about making people feel comfortable; and not making people feel bad.
Remember: Compliment in public; criticize in private.
He demonstrated greeting and table manners for interviews. Those manners are better demonstrated than narrated. Hint: Dinner interviews are not about the food.