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OER Background: Creative Commons (CC) - Licensing and OER

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CCL Summary for use

Copying a CC licensed work and sharing it: Must always provide attribution.

NonCommercial (NC) restriction: Do not use work for commercial purposes. 

No-Derivitive (ND) restriction: Do not change work before sharing. No (adaptations or derivatives) allowed. You may shift format from html to pdf or other format for usability.  If the underlying work is licensed under a NoDerivatives license, you can make and use changes privately but you cannot share your adaptation with others

Share Alike (SA): Must share copies or adaptations/derivatives using the same licence as original. This makes it harder to re-use works, because of incompatible licence restrictions.  If the underlying work is licensed under a ShareAlike license, then ShareAlike applies to your adaptation and you must license it under the same or a compatible license.

  • Copyrighted works: You cannot share copies of a work without permission of copyright holder, except in cases that meet "Fair Use" provision.
  • Creative Commons Licenses (CCL) with No-Derivitive (ND) restriction maintained - allows you to share copies of the original work without needing permission of original copyright owner - as long as you share the entire work without changing anything. 
  • "Fair Use" and Public Domain: Creative Commons Licenses (CCL) do not apply in circumstances where copyright does not apply. 

Plug into OER Networks

To build your network, do the following:

  • Go to the SPARC OER Google Group
    • Join the group
    • Skim the existing postings and read 2-3. You'll be asked about these for this week's discussion post. 
  • Subscribe to the OER Digest through SPARC and Student PIRGS
  • Search Twitter for the following hashtags (you can do this without an account by clicking the links below):
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