Animation— Seen description: 2-d sequence of images creating illusion of an object moving. (Cartoons, Animated Gifs.)
Audio— Heard description. (Audio books, Podcasts, Music.)
Graphics— Seen description: image, illustration, photograph, or picture of object or process
Interactive— Done - click a link or move a mouse and get a response.
Multimedia— Two or more formats used. Audio (heard), visual (seen), interactive (done) methods of describing a person, place, or thing such as a concept, process, or object.
Text— Seen description: Prose or poetry.
Videos— Seen &/or heard description: 2-d or 3-d sequence of images creating illusion of an object moving.
Documentaries—A work, such as a film or television program, presenting political, social, or historical subject matter in a factual and informative manner and often consisting of actual news films or interviews accompanied by narration.