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FIND: Articles, books, videos, etc.

For professional purposes, every piece of borrowed content, regardless of format, should be acknowledged with attribution or citation, so people can re-search for the original. This includes images, music, art, text, etc., even your own works.

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Books can be divided into chapters, have table of contents in the front and/or have index/appendix additions in the back.

Table of Contents (TOC) shows organization of work and usually directs you to beginning of each section by page number and/or link.

In addition to the TOC, a book may also have a list of images in front or back.

Main content:

Works classified as books may consist of text and/or images in print, and additional multimedia effects may be added to digital works. 

Books may be called by more specific names such as atlas, dictionary, encyclopedia, handbook, manual, novel, etc.

Books may also be described by genre such as comedy, mystery, romance, etc.

The main body of the book may have in-line citations or footnotes to clarify or support author assertions.

List of full citations or references will be found at the end of a chapter or at the end of the whole book.

Index (Big Timesaver!) 

Is found after the main body of content.

Is more specific than the TOC.

More common in researched/scholarly books.

Will tell you where a name, term, or topic is to be found within the book. 

Appendix/Appendices - Supplementary materials at the back of the back end of the book, such as character lists, commentary, data, definitions, graphs, etc., to enlarge or support subjects(s) discussed.


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