Clear gremlins from computer:
If you do not see the ExProxy sign in for Institutional then
1) Clear cache
2) Close browser
3) Reboot/restart computer
4) Open browser and try again. Sometimes an error page will get into the computer short-term buffer and the computer is too lazy, I mean “efficient” to go out and get a new copy of the URL.
Another issue is the server side…reconnecting EzProxy to MyFVTC active directory:
If you have not used library resources for a long time, you may need to re-establish the connection between EzProxy and the active-user list for MyFVTC.
To do this, reset your MyFVTC password.
You may need to clear gremlins again.
Then, if you can successfully sign into your MyFVTC account, you should be able to access Library Databases through EzProxy from off-campus.
VPN: The only way to be using vpn and have access to databases is if you are remoting into an actual hard-drive on campus. Otherwise you need to turn vpn off the allow EzProxy to work.
May need to enable pop-ups: The ExProxy pop-up sign-on method of securely authenticating/proving that you have an active MyFVTC account and should have access to Library databases.