For Discussion: If gender is a social construct because it is defined by social consensus, then a small group or homogenous group may not need to debate meaning. As people from different backgrounds associate with each other, a consensus opinion may break into sub-groups.
Is it better for commerce and productivity to:
Terminology for physical and mental combinations
cisgender - same side - Male sex (phenotype) matches (psyche) male gender self-image or Female sex (phenotype) matches female gender self-image
transgender - opposite side - Male sex (phenotype) and (psyche) female gender self-image or Female sex (phenotype) and (psyche) male gender self-image
Agender - some people do not feel like they have a gender, feeling neither male nor female.
Gender fluid - Some people feel their gender self-image changes like a mood.
Bi-gender - Some people feel like a combination of both male and female genders.
When people experience hormonal prompted breast enlargement, whether it feels like "too much" or "too little" often depends on their gender self-image. Large breasts are favored for a feminine appearance, and little or no breast is favored for masculine appearance.
Both cis-phenotype=gender and trans-phenotype x gender people may feel discomfort when their secondary sexual characteristics do not match their internal image of self.
People are often shamed or self-ashamed about a body part. This leads many to alleviate their despair by using cosmetic enhancements to fix or enhance their body.
For Discussion:
If a part of your body was disappointing, embarrassing, or otherwise upsetting (and you could afford to change it), would you choose plastic surgery to improve your appearance?
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