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Physiology & Psychology Research

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Definition and use of "gender" has changed over time.

For Discussion: If gender is a social construct because it is defined by social consensus, then a small group or homogenous group may not need to debate meaning. As people from different backgrounds associate with each other, a consensus opinion  may break into sub-groups. 

Is it better for commerce and productivity to:

  • chose one subgroup and force the others to comply even if it makes some people angry, defensive, or revengeful?
  • agree to disagree, and let individuals follow their own opinion even if it makes some people angry, defensive, or revengeful?
  • treat each other with respect and practice tolerance and kindness even if it makes some people angry, defensive, or revengeful?
  • other?

Gender Despair & Dysphoria

Terminology for physical and mental combinations

cisgender - same side - Male sex (phenotype) matches (psyche) male gender self-image or Female sex (phenotype) matches female gender self-image
transgender - opposite side - Male sex (phenotype) and (psyche) female gender self-image  or Female sex (phenotype) and (psyche) male gender self-image

Agender - some people do not feel like they have a gender, feeling neither male nor female.  
Gender fluid - Some people feel their gender self-image changes like a mood.
Bi-gender - Some people feel like a combination of both male and female genders.

When people experience hormonal prompted breast enlargement, whether it feels like "too much" or "too little" often depends on their gender self-image. Large breasts are favored for a feminine appearance, and little or no breast is favored for masculine appearance.   

Both cis-phenotype=gender and trans-phenotype x gender  people may feel discomfort when their secondary sexual characteristics do not match their internal image of self.  

People are often shamed or self-ashamed about a body part. This leads many to alleviate their despair by using cosmetic enhancements to fix or enhance their body. 

For Discussion:

If a part of your body was disappointing, embarrassing, or otherwise upsetting (and you could afford to change it), would you choose plastic surgery to improve your appearance?

Related Links

Terms for Attachments. Andro = Male and Gyno = Female and Philic = Love

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