If you find an article on the Ebsco Quick Search, you have many save options, including:
Create an Ebsco account and save a result to your personal Ebsco account. You would need to setup the account from on-campus or through a proxied link that verifies that you are authorized to access the subscription through the FVTC Library. Account needs to be used at least once a year to stay active.
You can print to papercut and release print on printer/copier to create paper copy. (Print citation with right side icon,
Follow full-text link to download or print full-text from source.
My favorite: Email detailed record to yourself. Link will get you back to cite suggestions and full text (as long as you have active MyFVTC credentials).
Where is the article I saved? If you saved a result to a device, look in downloads folder, that is the usual default for a saved document.
Otherwise, if you were logged into your personal Ebsco account (or Gale, or Films on Demand, etc.) , sign in and look at your folder.
My favorite is to create a folder in my email account. Then anything I find (from anywhere) can be sent to my email and kept in that folder for later reference. When the project is done, I can delete the folder.