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*OER & Opening Copyright: What, Why and How

Open Educational Resources (OER) are the result of opening the copyright restrictions with an overlaying Creative Commons License
DISCLAIMER: Material provided is only intended as a guide. This guide is not a substitute for professional legal advice

Degrees of Open

Most open is Public Domain –Not under copyright protection

CCO is the nearest you can come while work is under copyright

Legally, you don’t need to give attribution to these…

but I suggest using attribution or citation whenever you use borrowed content, as a professional best practice.

CC4.0 –attribute/cite source – do what you want - can sell result.

SA Share Alike – attribute/cite source- do what you want

but keep same License – can sell result.

NC Non-Commercial - attribute/cite source – do what you want

 – Must not Sell / NOT for commercial use

ND is NO Derivatives…so you can’t just do what every you want,

- attribute/cite source - can make copies and share as-is

– you can sell

If it is on the Internet, it is free to use, right?

Not exactly.  Just because content is on the Internet does not mean it is free to be used in any situation. All original content, regardless of access, may have copyright protection, even if it is not declared.

When in doubt, treat everything as under copyright, until proven otherwise.

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