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Agribusiness Management Resources

What's the Story with this New Term, Regenerative?

Some conclusions:

  • Like "organic" and "natural" the term "regenerative agriculture"  is not precise.
  • Corporations tend to use the term as a marketing tool.
  • There is often a glossing over the tradeoffs between environmental and social goals.

Government Documents: Regenerative Agriculture

Soil Health is Essential

Regenerative Agriculture - Research Articles

Videos: Regenerative Agriculture

Q. How can I argue that farming is not bad for the environment?

A: This is how I answered this reference question: 

When arguing that farming is not bad for the environment, you first you need to consider, what kind of farming.

Regenerative agriculture is beneficial to the environment and will go a long way towards sequestering carbon dioxide and pulling down the CO2 in the air.  It is not a new method, and is becoming increasingly used due to the savings in costs, improvement of yield (eventually) and benefit to the ecosystem.

>>>>> There are many ways to farm, and some are more or less destructive.  I just watched a great documentary this weekend that gives me hope for the sequestration of carbon dioxide by changing common farming techniques. 

"Kiss the Ground (2020)" on the IMDB shows you how to view it.  The official Website is at   My takeaway:

The most outstanding graphic I saw was the difference in CO2 during plowing soil, and when plants start growing.   When the earth is plowed, tons of CO2 are released.  When plants start growing, tons of CO2 are pulled back into the earth and sequestered in plants and soil; plants turn CO2 into food; oxygen is their exhaust.  

"The Biggest Little Farm (2018)" on the IMDB shows you how to view it. The official Website is at ,  My takeaway:

It took them over 7 years to get a farming ecosystem that was regenerative.  The good news is that if you do it, you don't have to add nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, herbicides, and insecticides to the soil. Plus you use nature instead of trying to outsmart her.  (Plants and insects have been doing chemical warfare for millions of years, who are we to think we can compete?  Obviously we can't, horizontal genetic spread means weeds end up getting the protective genes -  and so they become resistant to herbicides.  Same for pests and pesticides.  It only takes one resistant seed or insect to bolix up the current industrial "fix".)  

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