When you use Library databases to search for articles, you make your life easier. The database categorizes content for you as scholarly journal, trade or popular magazine, as well as format (article, book, video, etc.).
Scholarly articles tend to be research articles with data, variables, and controls. They are evaluated before they are published, (peer-reviewed), and only published if experts/peers in the field agree that the article is worthwhile.
Trade Journals tend to describe best practices and advice. These are not peer-reviewed until after they are published...but no one wants to look bad in front of their co-workers.
Popular Magazines are for casual reading pleasure. Writers may explain, summarize, simplify, distort, or misunderstand research. It is important to find the article they are talking about, and read that, to better judge the information.
Remember to try and get information from a variety of sources, to improve your understanding, and to increase the usefulness of your conclusions.
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